Channel: Skin Conditions
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Cure for psoriasis?

Dear Alice,For the past few years, I have had psoriasis. What makes my condition particularly annoying is that it only seems to be affecting my genitals. While I can apply an ointment to make outbreaks...

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Face turns red after drinking

Alice,I'm a Filipino-Chinese student who has discovered drinking recently. There is one problem, I turn really red!!! I have heard that this happens because I am Asian. I like to drink socially, but am...

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Clothes to protect skin from the sun

Hello, Alice!As the summer is soon to arrive, I was wondering what type of clothing should I wear to protect myself from the sun? Also, what color works best, light or black? I seem to be getting...

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Chickenpox: Do I need to stay home from class?

Dear Alice,I've come down with chickenpox. Should I stay home from classes even though 90 percent of adults have already had it and are thus immune? If I take great care washing my hands and avoiding...

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How do tattoos work?

Alice,How do tattoos work? I mean, if human skin cells are always shedding and reproducing themselves, how are the pigments of a tattoo able to stay in the skin for so long?— MOM

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Goosebumps and the shivers

Dear Alice,Why do you shiver? What causes "goosebumps"?Lena

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Treatment for cellulite?

Dear Alice,My sister has cellulite, especially in her legs. She went to one of these health clubs to look for a treatment and they put her on something like "lymphatic draining," and gave her some type...

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Bags under the eyes: How? Why?

Dear Alice,I was wondering what physiological phenomenon makes the pockets below our eyes swell or go blue/dark when we are really tired? I suppose it is blood, but I don't understand why they appear...

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Greasy foods lead to acne and gallbladder problems?

Alice,I have had terrible stomach problems for a few years now. My doctor says it's due to my love of greasy and oily foods, and that I should concentrate on eating healthier, broiled foods. Do you...

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Acne treatment

1) Dear Alice,What is the best treatment for acne?— Zit-city2) Dear Alice,I would like to know something about acne. I am a high school student, and have gotten acne. I got it for more than two years,...

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Wrinkle remedies

Dear Alice,I am twenty-five years old yet have been noticing a lot of wrinkles around my eyes. I have started to use baby oil as an intense moisturizer — is this a good idea? Do you have any other...

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Is the lump behind my knee a cyst?

Dear Alice,I have a one half inch lump inside the back of my leg two inches above my knee (there is no visible mark on the skin). It is not painful or bothersome in any way. An acupuncturist thinks it...

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Cold sores

Dear Alice,I get cold sores around my mouth and nose all the time; I have since I can remember. I know that they can be caused by both physical illness and mental stress. Is there any way to reduce the...

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Latex allergies

Dear Alice,Can you tell us about latex allergies?

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Dear Alice,What are shingles?— CW

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