Fingernails as a health indicator
Dear Alice,I've seen some info online, but can you suggest an authoritative/exhaustive source on what health information, if any, one might gleam from the condition of one's fingernails, i.e., ridges,...
View ArticleRingworm
Dear Alice,I have obtained ringworm from my kitten! What is the best treatment for me to get rid of it and stop the itching?
View ArticleHow can I have acne at thirty?!?
Alice,I am a thirty-year-old woman. Recently I have experienced terrible acne on my chest, neck, upper back, and face. No matter what I do, the problem will not go away. Could it be serious? What...
View ArticleAloe vera — What is it good for?
Alice,Have you any information on the medicinal plant aloe vera?— Desert plants
View ArticleIn the know about nose-blowing
1) Dear Alice,You know when you get a cold and you have to blow your nose a lot and it gets all sore from rubbing it over and over again with a Kleenex? Do you know of any kind of cream or something...
View ArticleSkin lightening
Dear Alice,Are there any pills or medicines available which could whiten overall complexion? If so, are they safe to use?
View ArticleItchy skin under cast
Alice — I recently got a cast on my leg for a broken ankle. I have to keep it on for approximately three weeks... I had a cast on my arm a long time ago and I remember the itching it causes. Boy do I...
View ArticleMRSA (staph infection) and breastfeeding?
Dear Alice,Is it okay to breastfeed if I have been treated for MRSA?
View ArticleWhat can I do for the stye on my eye?
Hi Alice,What do you do for a stye on your eye? It's swelled almost shut.
View ArticleBeauty salon health risks?
Dear Alice,When you go to a beauty salon for a manicure, pedicure, waxing, whatever, where you're likely to be poked and prodded by various implements during the service, how much of a risk are you...
View ArticlePetroleum jelly skin care products — safe?
Dear Alice,How and what does the human body do with the petroleum based skin products we apply to our bodies on a daily basis? I'm sure a lot of these products are absorbed through the skin. What does...
View ArticleToenail fungus
Dear Alice,I think I might have a toenail fungus infection (onychomycosis). Should I purchase over-the-counter medication and try to remedy the situation on my own, or should I go directly to a...
View ArticleThe corners of my mouth are cracking up
1) Hi Alice,Just wanted to know if you knew what the little sores were that come right in the corner of your mouth on the outside, not inside. I've heard they are caused by something lacking in your...
View ArticleFingernails as a health indicator
Dear Alice,I've seen some info online, but can you suggest an authoritative/exhaustive source on what health information, if any, one might gleam from the condition of one's fingernails, i.e., ridges,...
View ArticleHow can I have acne at thirty?!?
Alice,I am a thirty-year-old woman. Recently I have experienced terrible acne on my chest, neck, upper back, and face. No matter what I do, the problem will not go away. Could it be serious? What...
View ArticleRingworm
Dear Alice,I have obtained ringworm from my kitten! What is the best treatment for me to get rid of it and stop the itching?
View ArticleJock itch treatments
Dear Alice,Can you tell me the best way to treat jock itch? The infected area is somewhere below and on the sides of the scrotum and the middle portion of the penis. Is it recommended to use hydrogen...
View ArticleKeloid scars
Dear Alice,I have several keloid scars on my body. I have tried injections to make them smaller, but they later grew bigger as I put on weight. Is there anything out there that can successfully remove...
View ArticleHow does hair removal affect my mole?
Dear Alice,Is it dangerous to wax or use a chemical depliatory such as Nair on areas of the skin that have moles? I've seen warnings on some labels regarding this. What could happen to the moles?
View ArticleBlue light therapy for acne?
Dear Alice,I recently stumbled upon something called ANSR Beam on a blog talking about acne control. I've been trying to look into the blue light therapy it claims to use to help diminish acne, but am...
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